Sashes and Cornerstones
This page contains a huge selection of patterns for sashes and cornerstones.
The newest set is Modern in style.
Most are geometric, for use in Modern or masculine quilts.
A few might work well with Steampunk designs.
You will also find a feather, a flower, and a berry for more traditional looks.
For double-duty, many of the patterns are P2P and could be repeated
in a narrow border.
Most could also be enlarged and used in a 3" - 4" border.
Be sure to keep Freeze Aspect on when changing the height of any pattern;
then make adjustments as needed to fit the space.
Have fun!
Link the the Store is at the bottom of the page.
The newest set is Modern in style.
Most are geometric, for use in Modern or masculine quilts.
A few might work well with Steampunk designs.
You will also find a feather, a flower, and a berry for more traditional looks.
For double-duty, many of the patterns are P2P and could be repeated
in a narrow border.
Most could also be enlarged and used in a 3" - 4" border.
Be sure to keep Freeze Aspect on when changing the height of any pattern;
then make adjustments as needed to fit the space.
Have fun!
Link the the Store is at the bottom of the page.
Modern Sashes
All patterns in this set are designed for 2" x 12" sashes.
Set these sashing patterns in Pattern to Boundary
Tile Sash
Plaid Sash
Tumbler Sash
Swirl Sash
Triangle Sash
Double Loop Sash
These patterns can be set P2P or can be repeated for narrow inner borders.
Bird Foot Sash P2P
Little Feather Sash P2P
Double T Sash P2P
Ribbon Candy Sash P2P
Gears Sash P2P
Undulations Sash P2P
Point to Point Sashes
These patterns are all P2P and can be used for single sashes or repeated patterns.
Sizes vary according to design motifs.
Sizes vary according to design motifs.
P2P Vine and Berry
1.7" x 12" |
P2P Vine and Berry alternating
1.7" x 12" |
P2P Leaf and Berry
1.7" x 12" |
P2P Leaf and Berry simple
1.7" x 12" |
P2P Dutch Sash
1.5" x 12" |
P2P Buckeye
1.5" x 12" |
P2P Bittersweet Vine
1.8" x 12" |
P2P Cherry Leaves
1.5" x 12" |
Spinner Sash P2P
1.5" x 12" |
Double Lily Leaf
1.7" x 12" |
Concatenating Point to Point Sashes and Cornerstones
What People are Saying:
"I'm delighted with how your P2P sashing and cornerstone patterns stitched out
on my client's sampler quilt. They were very easy to set up, and they stitched out beautifully! What a time-saver! You saved me time, and my client, money!
It's a win-win situation! Olga S."
"I'm delighted with how your P2P sashing and cornerstone patterns stitched out
on my client's sampler quilt. They were very easy to set up, and they stitched out beautifully! What a time-saver! You saved me time, and my client, money!
It's a win-win situation! Olga S."
P2P Cornerstones will connect to P2P Sashes
and stitch across the quilt without tie offs.
and stitch across the quilt without tie offs.
Step by Step for Placing P2P Sashes and Cornerstones with P2P Concatenation
1. Select a P2P Sashing pattern. 2. Hold down the Control Key and select a P2P Cornerstone pattern. After patterns are selected, Click on the Point to Point (target) icon. 3. Click placement for beginning of sash pattern. 4. Click endpoint of sash pattern; one sash pattern will be set into place. This click is also be the beginning of the cornerstone. 5. Click end of cornerstone placement; one cornerstone will be set into place. 6. As you click across the quilt, P2P concatenation will set one sash and one cornerstone into place, alternately. Patterns will be connected and will sew continuously. |
Note: if your quilt begins with a cornerstone, select the cornerstone pattern first, and then the sashing pattern. Placement on the quilt will be in the same order as they are selected from the pattern file.
7. Cornerstones are drawn as only half of the pattern. When you turn the quilt and/or add patterns in the opposite direction, the cornerstones will be complete. The pictures below show the single pattern, plus the finished motif after it is set into place in both directions
7. Cornerstones are drawn as only half of the pattern. When you turn the quilt and/or add patterns in the opposite direction, the cornerstones will be complete. The pictures below show the single pattern, plus the finished motif after it is set into place in both directions
Point to Point Cornerstones
3P Sashes
A 3 Point Sash is an older idea, but one I still like for sashes that are placed at odd angles. Simply click the start point, the end point, and then the start point again. The pattern will reverse itself when quilting the second time and complete the full pattern.
Pattern to Boundary Sashes
These sashes vary in size and should be set inside a drawn Boundary.
Hearts and Ribbons Sash
3" x 12.5" |
Amber's Circle Sash
1.75" x 12" |
Simple Cable 2 1/2" x 12"
This pattern has a jump stitch before the final line, to eliminate overstitching. |
Pointed Bead Sash
1 1/4" x 10 1/2" |
Cornerstones and Small Motifs
These patterns should be set into place Pattern to Boundary
Default size is 3" but of course can be made larger or smaller.
Default size is 3" but of course can be made larger or smaller.
Daisy Sash Triple and Four Hearts Cornerstones